Monday, July 9, 2012

Apache Wicket Interview Questions

Here are some of the technical Interview questions for Apache Wicket Framework used with Java J2ee framework.

Basic Questions:

Q.1 Whats Apache Wicket?
Q.2 How does Wicket work? What are the wicket Id's?
Q.3 Does Wicket provides the features of MVC framework?
Q.4 What are the steps to create a page in wicket?
Q.5 What are wicket components?
Q.6 What are Wicket panels and how do you use them?
Q.7 How do you configure the home page?
Q.8 What is the WebApplication class?
Q.9 What is a bookmarkable page?
Q.10 Does html files contain the java statements in Apache wicket?
Q.11 How do you set the Error Page in Wicket.
Q.11 What are the deployment modes in Wicket and where they are configured.

Advance Questions.
Q.1 What is a RequestProcessor, RequestCycle, ResourceLocator in Apache Wicket?
Q.2 How can you implement ResourceLocator? What are the advantages of the same?
Q.3 How Wicket is better/different than Struts?
Q.4 How can you handle run time exceptions in wicket? Whats is the use of onRuntimeException Method in RequestCycle Class?
Q5. Explain the use of AjaxRequestTarget?
Q.6 Explain Models in Wicket and its advantages. Explain LoadableDetachable Models.
Q.7 How do you use Form Validators in Wicket? How do you create custom validators?


  1. We would appreciate if you could please post answers.

  2. There are 2 ways to Create New Wicket Page.
    1. create a Page Extending "WebPage" Class.
    2. create a Page Extending "BasePage" ( BasePage Should Extend "WebPage").

    IF you are using first Way you should Create Whole page with thier Header,Footer and other parts
    and that HTML file's content may be large (complicated).This is an Unreliable way to create Page. suppose you have to change some content in Header part then you have to edit all pages that having Header Content

    If you are using second Way .. first Create your BasePage then you can extend these page to other while creating new page. in that page you have to add only Body part (Content that you want to show on that Page) Using

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