Following is a sample project using Spring MVC, Jquery and JQGrid to display the list of Employees returned as a JSON object:
The jsp in screenshot shows the list of employees.
I assume the user already knows how spring MVC works, so I am not explaining how Spring MVC works in this post.
You can download this sample maven project from github.
Here is an overview:
1. Jquery makes an Ajax call in Spring Controller method to get the ArrayList of objects (Employees).
$.when($.getJSON('/jqgridexample/views/web/getemployees')).then(function (data) {
Rest of the code
2. In Spring Controller we map a method getEmployees to url '/web/getemployees' called from jquery.
This method returns the ArrayList of Employees. Spring MVC takes care of converting this to a JSON Object.
@RequestMapping(value = "/web/getemployees", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody
ArrayList<Employee> getEmployees(HttpServletRequest request) {
final ArrayList<Employee> employees = getMockEmployees();
return employees;
3. Jquery receives a list of employees as a JSON object.
datatype: "local",
height: 250,
width: 700,
colModel: [{
name: 'empID',
index: 'empID',
width: 10,
sorttype: "int"},
name: 'firstName',
index: 'firstName',
width: 50},
name: 'lastName',
index: 'lastName',
width: 50},
name: 'address',
index: 'address',
width: 100},
name: 'phone',
index: 'phone',
width: 10}
var names = ['empID', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'address', 'phone'];
var employeedata = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
employeedata[i] = {};
employeedata[i][names[0]] = data[i].empID;
employeedata[i][names[1]] = data[i].firstName;
employeedata[i][names[2]] = data[i].lastName;
employeedata[i][names[3]] = data[i].address;
employeedata[i][names[4]] = data[i].phone;
for (var i = 0; i <= employeedata.length; i++) {
$("#employees").jqGrid('addRowData', i + 1, employeedata[i]);
$("#employees").jqGrid('setGridParam', {ondblClickRow: function(rowid,iRow,iCol,e){alert('double clicked');}});
This example can be downloaded from github. Please drop me a question if required.
The jsp in screenshot shows the list of employees.
I assume the user already knows how spring MVC works, so I am not explaining how Spring MVC works in this post.
You can download this sample maven project from github.
Here is an overview:
1. Jquery makes an Ajax call in Spring Controller method to get the ArrayList of objects (Employees).
$.when($.getJSON('/jqgridexample/views/web/getemployees')).then(function (data) {
Rest of the code
2. In Spring Controller we map a method getEmployees to url '/web/getemployees' called from jquery.
This method returns the ArrayList of Employees. Spring MVC takes care of converting this to a JSON Object.
@RequestMapping(value = "/web/getemployees", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody
ArrayList<Employee> getEmployees(HttpServletRequest request) {
final ArrayList<Employee> employees = getMockEmployees();
return employees;
3. Jquery receives a list of employees as a JSON object.
[{"empID":100,"firstName":"John","lastName":"Oliver","address":"123 Hollywood Blvd, LA","phone":"4572312222"},{"empID":101,"firstName":"Barack","lastName":"Obama","address":"001 White House, DC","phone":"1010100101"},{"empID":102,"firstName":"Tom","lastName":"Cruise","address":"333 Sunset Blvd, LA","phone":"8272828222"},{"empID":103,"firstName":"Ed","lastName":"Sheeran","address":"6377 Kings Drive, London","phone":"9298292222"}]
4. This list is used to populate the jqgrid. In this case we are mapping individual fields before passing to jqgrid.
datatype: "local",
height: 250,
width: 700,
colModel: [{
name: 'empID',
index: 'empID',
width: 10,
sorttype: "int"},
name: 'firstName',
index: 'firstName',
width: 50},
name: 'lastName',
index: 'lastName',
width: 50},
name: 'address',
index: 'address',
width: 100},
name: 'phone',
index: 'phone',
width: 10}
var names = ['empID', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'address', 'phone'];
var employeedata = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
employeedata[i] = {};
employeedata[i][names[0]] = data[i].empID;
employeedata[i][names[1]] = data[i].firstName;
employeedata[i][names[2]] = data[i].lastName;
employeedata[i][names[3]] = data[i].address;
employeedata[i][names[4]] = data[i].phone;
for (var i = 0; i <= employeedata.length; i++) {
$("#employees").jqGrid('addRowData', i + 1, employeedata[i]);
$("#employees").jqGrid('setGridParam', {ondblClickRow: function(rowid,iRow,iCol,e){alert('double clicked');}});
This example can be downloaded from github. Please drop me a question if required.